Thursday, February 20, 2014

Feb 20, 2014 Black History Month

Feb 20-  Black History Month

Yesterday's Answers"

Television Show:  The Jeffersons
Dolls:  Clone doll, I thought it was Amber from Avon,  Allan, and Ortese

Today's Question:
Name the movie and the dolls in the remake

This movie takes place in 1975.  It is about "Nathaniel "Cornbread" Hamilton who was the  dream and a hero to youngsters Wilford Robinson and Earl Carter. Shortly before he would have become the first man from his community to go to college, he demonstrates his scholarship-winning basketball ability to his friends and admirers in the neighborhood. At the same time, the police are on a manhunt for an armed rapist. They mistake Cornbread for the rapist and shoot him dead in the street. In the aftermath of the community's shattered dream, and in the face of an intimidating police cover-up, Wilford is determined not to betray the memory of his hero."*

* info from IMDB


  1. I've never seen the movie, but I think I know the title: "Cornbread, Earl, and Me."

    The dolls are a Bratz Boy (sorry, not sure which one), Mattel So in Style Julian, and Mattel Grant Hill Basketball something. I have a Mattel Scottie Pippin from the same series as the Grant Hill doll/figure.

    1. Yes, you are correct. I saw the movie a couple of years ago for the first time even though I knew about many years ago.

  2. The basketball guy is awesome! Sorry, can't participate with the questions, they are getting way beyond my knowledge about movies and dolls, but it's great to stop by here regularly and see all the different dolls from your collection and the titles of the movies :-)!

  3. Right... Yesterday's clone is Avon's Amber. I knew her face looked familiar but the name escaped me.


  4. That is one of the few movies that left a mark on me. I was about 8 or 9 when I saw it and I can still see that scene where he got shot. I've only been able to watch the movie that one time.
