Sunday, April 1, 2012

American Teen

In response to  request for information, I am posting about the American Teen.

 I have four of the nine dolls.  I ordered them online since they were not selling in the toy stores.

The names of the American Teen are: Monica, Dominique, Anthoney, Benjamin, Daniel, Travis, Zoe, Alex, Tara.

The information below appeared on each box:  The information on the right talked about the artist and the dolls.  The information on the left talked about the individual dolls.

The First American Teen was sketched by Dieter Meuller in a Hong Kong hotel room late in the evening of November 22, 2300.  A widely traveled artist and designer, Dieter's  eye for detail had turned increasingly to American teenagers.  He found himself fascinated by their hugely divergent constantly morphing styles.  He found these to be uniquely American.

The American Teen Collectors' Series represents teens at a specific moment in their lives, when identities and self expression are being explored.

Individuality. Independence. Regional Pursuits. Personality. Culture. History. Life. Ultimately, all of these are reflected - in the hair, the tattoos, the clothing, the jewelry, the fingernails - of American Teens.  The American Teen Collector's Series celebrates cultural diversity, individual expression, and the acceptance of differences among people.  Each teen is marked by released date.  It is our hope that you keep our teen for a rainy day in 2025, as a reminder, of you, or of someone you know.  Did I really look like that???

Just for fun.

See the next two posts for the dolls.


  1. Thanks for sharing these three in-depth posts on the American Teen dolls. I read D7ana's post a few days ago, but my interest was not piqued until reading Roxanne's post this morning, which successfully enabled me to cart two of the dolls I was able to find. The purchase has not been completed, but it will after a search for the best price has been exhausted. With that said, please share your buying source(s).

    The hip-hop cultural influence has gone viral. Created and mastered by African American youth, teens worldwide have attempted to emulate and recreate it. Entrepreneurs have capitalized on it. In many other cultures/countries, interestingly, the AA experience is admired, often revered, a stark contrast to the way many non-AA Americans perceive any aspect of the AA culture/influence.


  2. Oh, thanks for being so generous with your photos and your information. I don't need a new doll series, but I am always thrilled to find them. I want Benjamin, Tara, Zoe, Alex, and Daniel most. First? LOL. Okay, first.

    Thanks, DBG, for reading my post on them. Seeing the figures though is indeed much richer an experience than any description.

    Yay, MDW and Roxanne!

  3. You are welcome. Good Luck with you search to find the American Teens that you listed. It is always fun to start a new hunt.

  4. I just stumbled upon these dolls/figures at a discount shop in Van Nuys, CA, USA. I bought two - Tara and Benjamin. They're so awesome! And as a side note, I work as a private caterer. I am often in rich people's homes. One would be surprised how often I see those old racist aunt Jemima and minstrel era toys. Plenty of rich white people display them with pride. What a contrast these dolls are for me. I am Latino/Caucasian collector who happens to be fond of black American culture. Thanks to whoever made these.

  5. I have an American Teen doll Benjamin that I just listed for sale on ebay starting bid at only $.01.
