Monday, February 22, 2021

Instagram Account- @blackactionfashiondolls

My instagram account  is @blackactionfashion dolls.

For the month of February, I  am sharing my dolls and action figures with have a connection with the country of Africa.

Nana Makeba, President Nelson Mandela- Barbie Princess of South Africa
Barbie Model of the Moment- Nichelle- Ivory Coast
Gianni Antetokounmpo-Nigeria

                                  Queen Yaa Asantewaa, Queen Sheba, Queen Neferiti Ghana, Ethiopia, Egypt

Edi Gathega- Kenya

                                                                                                        Mattel-    Asha, Shani- names Swahili
President Obama and Ms. Obama- Kenya

Barbie- Dolls of the World Nigeria, Morocco, Kenya

Lt Uhura- name is Swahili

Integrity Dolls- Bianca Jordan, Adele Makeda, Dominqiue Makeda - Africa


  1. Thank you to share with us all the pictures about beautiful black doll. 😍😍😍😍

  2. Thanks for your dedication and hard work in writing this blog
