Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 28- Black History

February 28, 2017
Black History Month

A look at two companies and their dolls that brought different themes to their dolls.

In 2005, YNU Group Inc. created the Mixis dolls.  The company introduced multicultural dolls. The Mixis Brand was developed to offer dolls for the  multi-racial and diverse market.  Their mission was to celebrate the collective strengths, the blended beauty and diverse perspectives, cultures and traditions of individuals of a multi-racial heritage.   They created four dolls.  Two of them are Emerald Okada (Black American/Native American/Japanese) and Opal Nkrumah (Ghanian and British).     I was excited about Mixis and hoping that more dolls would be produced.  No male dolls.

Dasia was created in 1995 by the Big Beautiful Dolls.  The company was founded by two African American Women, Georgette Taylor and Audrey Bell-Kearney.  She was the first full -figure fashion doll. She came with the one dress and cape.  It was fun trying to find clothes to fit her size.  Some of the Manhattan Doll Co clothes could fit her.  At one point the toy store FAO Schwartz was selling individual pieces of clothing and some of the clothes could fit.  See future post.

These dolls were a higher price than other mass produced fashion dolls.The price may have prevented them from growing to a wider audience.

Emerald and Opal



  1. Cool! Glad to see you have these dolls in your collection. I have the Mixis dolls, but I don't have Dasia. She was priced higher than I wanted to pay for her when she first came out.

    Hmmm ... aside, we forget that Dasia precedes Lammily. So Dasia and her two friends actually laid the groundwork for curvy Barbie.

    I see you have social media buttons so I pinned your dolls in this post to a Mixis Board and a Plus-size in Playscale Board that I have on Pinterest. I assume that would be okay, but if not, let me know.

    Thanks for sharing your extensive collection online.
