Friday, May 20, 2016


I like adding new characters to my doll collection.  I came across the Descendants and waited for the characters that would fit in with some of the other dolls that I have.

The Descendants is a television show based on the movie of the same name.  Freddie is one of the newer characters that has been added along with Lonnie and Jordan.  

Freddie  is a member of Isle of the Lost. She is trying to get into Auradon Prep. The school is for the children of the fairy tale characters. She is the daughter of the Facilier. Out of the Shadows and onto the stage.  He is the evil character from the Princess and the Frog. 

Lonnie goes to Auradon Prep. She is the daughter of Mulan. Blossoming New Friendships.

Jordan goes to Auradon Prep.   She is the daughter of the Genie. Making her own wishes come true.


  1. HOLA, qué lindas muñecas, me encanta su ropa, sus zapatos son muy bonitos. Disfrútalas mucho.
    Saludos desde México.

  2. They are nice. This is my first time seeing the Descendants and hearing about the show.


  3. Thanks. I had seen the dolls in Toys r us for a year and did some research on them.
