Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nick Fury

Finally, he has been made in 12".  I have been waiting for this action figure.   Two years during the holiday season they created a Nick Fury figure that was about 4" tall but he was included in  the 3 figure Iron Man pack.  I have waited patiently and it was worth the wait.

He also comes with a set of hands and gloves

A fantastic face sculpt


  1. Congrats on getting your Nick Fury!! He looks so good! I swear you have the best "Male Dolls" collection I've every known. EVER!!

  2. Hello from Spain: I envy! Congratulations on getting your Nick Fury. Keep in touch

  3. Congratulations on getting him!

    Does he have an eye under the patch or is the patch molded on? I'd wondered about that. Thanks for your reply. (Me asking years later, lol.)
