Wednesday, July 25, 2012

2012 Barbie Convention- So In Style Party

The So in Style Yahoo and Facebook groups had a party at the Barbie Convention.  It was hosted by Kimberly, the organizer of the groups.  She did a great job.  I really enjoyed it.  They had dolls displays, food, wonderful goodies,  and a thinking game  about Paris and dolls.  It was a fun evening.

The So In Style Dolls on Display:

Mattel donated  the real and paper dolls for the members
Stephen Sumner ( the designer for So In Style Dolls) signed the paper dolls for us.   Each attendee was given 2 paper dolls and I won the third one in a raffle.  I am only missing Trichelle.


  1. Oh my... those paper dolls are beau-ti-ful! So nice of Mattel to donate the paper dolls. I heard about them on the SIS list. Lucky you to have three of the four. I hope you're able to get Trichelle eventually.


  2. I didn't know about those paper dolls. Nice! Will they be available to the public soon?

  3. I saw them in person this past weekend at club meeting. They are very nice. I hope they are made a available for retail.

  4. I do not know if they will be available to the public. It was a great treat.
