Wednesday, January 18, 2012


 Here is the new Rocawear Darren (right side).  He is standing side by side with the first Rocawear Darren. 

   The new Darren  has no bendable legs and arms which is different from the first one.  I like the poseability of the first one .

This is Darren with Grace  on a date
All of them are wearing jeans.   I am hoping that the next Darren will come in something other than jeans.  The other series that was produced in 2011 was Grace's Sweet Sixteen.  However, Darren was not created for this series. It was my chance to get an evening outfit for Darren.


  1. Hello from Spain: I like Darren, any of them. In Spain not sold in any shop. Congratulations to them and enjoy them. Keep in touch

  2. Thanks for letting us know this. I'll know to get the old Darren rather than the new one.

    Do you know if Darren and Barbie Basics #17 are the same complexion ... I bet you can guess why I ask ;-)

    Thanks for your response.

  3. The complexions of the dolls are close that you cannot tell the difference.
