Thursday, February 1, 2018

Celebrating Black History Month February 1, 2018

February is the start of Black History Month

Celebrating the achievements and attributions of African American people.

I thought this year I would focus on my  African Americans that have  been featured as a doll or action figure in  the smaller size of 8" or less. 

His box said- Washington, DC would have been lost without him.  Astronomer and surveyor. (b.1736 to  d.1806) He was created by HIA Toys.

Benjamin Banneker


  1. Cute figure! I've never seen him. Thanks for sharing. I'd have thought Black historical figures were rare. I look forward to seeing your collection.

  2. Thanks. There have only been a few historical figures created.

  3. This series is always fun. Can't to see what you have for us this year.
