Saturday, January 27, 2018

Black Panther

Black Panther

I finally have a 12" figure of Black Panther with a Face.  He was at Target.  I refused to buy the other Black Panther that was created by Hot Toys.  It did not have a face but a mask and I felt they rushed to get it out. 

 I have waited for years to see the Black Panther in his own movie and it the movie debuts in February.  He did make an appearance in Captain America -Civil War (2016). Black Panther is played by Chadwick Boseman.

I am excited about the movie and for the Action Figures.

Two different black panthers.  49.99 version with removal face and mask and the 9.99 version with limited movement

Since April 2006,   I started reading Black Panther and Storm for the Wedding of the Century by Jerome Eric Dickey.  I thought it was going to be  a 6 comic book series.   It turned out to be a several year series with several spin offs and I bought each one of them. Reginald Hudlin was one of the writers for he comic.

 Black Panther and Storm

The Black Panther comic book returned in 2015 with  a new writer, Ta Nehisi Coates   There were two other spinoffs, "The World of Wakanda about the Dora Mijae that protect him and Black Panther and the Crew,  but sadly they ended.  The Crew featured, Misty Knight, Storm, Black Panther, Luke Cage and Manifold, five black superheroes. 
P. S.  I was hoping the Crew made it so that I could get all five action figures.


  1. Oh, I cannot wait for that movie! Will definitely being seeing it when it comes out. I found the Black Panther head only by Pizscustom and put him on a Tall AA Sports body from Haoyu Toys (they are very much like the Enterbay NBA bodies). I think this head was actually done better than the Hot Toys head. I did not know about him and Storm or that the X-Men somehow crossed over with the Avengers! I am loving all of these Super Hero movies though!

  2. Thanks for the information about the Black Panther head and body. I did not know about Haoyu toys.
