Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November is Native American Heritage Month

Celebrate Native American Heritage Month

I have several Native American Dolls and Action Figures in my collection.

Kocoum from Pocahantas, Geronimo, Discount Doll, Chief Powhatan-Pochantas Father, Totsy, Totsy, Sitting Bull

When the movie Pochantas came out, many companies created Native American dolls.  There were several male dolls that were created by Mattel (Kocoum), Applause (Chief Powhatan) and Totsy.  The male dolls from Totsy came with  wives and children.

Sitting Bull and Geronimo were created in the action figure line.


  1. I really like seeing your Native American Males! I was wondering what was the height of Chief Powhatan compared to other Pocahontas dolls. The other action figure male I have never seen before. This was very informative! Thanks for the post!

  2. Nice selection ... especially the Totsy guys ;-) I think that Shillman had one or more Native American dolls, too.

    I have got to get my crew together and photographed, too. Soon!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hola, me gustan mucho tus muñecos. No sabía que había ese día.
