Monday, May 9, 2011

M & C Toy Centre

The Peacekeepers of M & C Toy Centre.  It is rare to find figures/dolls that feature various African American facial features.   I purchased 8 (2 of the figures repeated with camouflaged painted faces) of the figures from a company called Small Blue Toys in 2002/3. Small Blue Toys was an excellent company since they sold so many different male action figures that could not  be found at other stores.  It has been hard to find more of the Peacekeepers.

I was lucky in December 2010, when I went into a discount store and found the figures, which had two faces I did not have in my collection.  The Toy Centre website shows a total of 12 different black male heads.

Riding in the P.T Cruiser

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any extras of these you would be willing to sell?
